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Discussion examples with explanations

1. Discussion sections summarizing study findings

Example 1 - a one-sentence summary of the key results

From our analysis, in postmenopausal women, vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency at the time of diagnosis were associated with lower overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS), and cancer-specific survival (CSS) compared with patients with sufficient vitamin D concentration, regardless of prognostic factors of breast cancer (age, stage and size of the tumor, lymph node status, hormone receptors, and breast cancer subtypes).

Example 2 - study aim and context, and key results in a few sentences

This study investigates the accuracy of EIT for detecting breast cancer. Most studies have reported several sensitivity and specificity values for the accuracy of anatomic EIT to diagnose breast cancer. The meta-analysis of 12 studies included in our research showed higher diagnostic accuracy for EIT (sensitivity and specificity of 75.88 ± 6.16 and 82.04 ± 5.14, respectively) and a DOR of 14.37 ± 6.14. The results of this meta-analysis revealed overall high sensitivity and specificity.

2. Discussion sections comparing study to the existing literature

Example 3 - findings are partly inconsistent with the literature, and possible reason

Some of the results of this study do not agree with previous findings [19] that reported significant differences among the body conformation traits, namely, body length, wing span, and thigh length between Arbor Acre, Marshall, and Ross 308 hybrids of broiler chicken. These discrepancies in conformation traits could be due to hybrids differences, management, and environmental factors. However, the observed result of shank length across all hybrids (Arbor Acre, Marshall, and Ross 308 broiler) was not statistically different, and it is in line with the findings of [19] who observed insignificant differences in shank length among all the above listed hybrids of broiler chicken.

Example 4 - findings are consistent with the literature

The results of this study were consistent with the research finding of [12], which indicated that PGDT graduates have had better knowledge on the subject matter and use it properly in their teaching. This shows that training teachers through PGDT might be important to enhance the subject matter knowledge of secondary school teachers. [...] The findings also showed that both the PGDT and integrated curriculum graduate teachers’ perceptions toward the use of active learning methods were positive (see Tables 1 and 3). However, both PGDT and integrated curriculum graduate teachers use the lecture method of teaching (see Table 1). The results were consistent with previous research findings of Sisay et al. [12], which reported that ****although most PGDT graduates in Eastern Ethiopian secondary schools responded that they apply active learning methods, and most of the classroom activities are dominated by teacher-centered methods. The findings of this study also agree with Dejen and Song’s [14] research. They conducted a study to investigate the preservice teachers’ conceptions of teaching and learning and teaching approach preferences in a teacher education programme. […]

3. Discussion sections considering the strengths and limitations of a study

Example 5 - strength of a study

Very little information is available on the effect of EOs on An. funestus. Most studies with EOs use malarial vectors such as Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles stephensi, and Anopheles cracens, and fewer studies reported the effect of combination of EOs on these mosquitoes including the synergistic effect of combined EOs [58–60]. Our study, therefore, provides information for the first time on the lethal effect of EOs on An. funestus, one of the major vectors of malaria in Africa.

Example 6 - strength of a study

As a strength of this study, we used a longitudinal cohort and it is the first prospective analysis assessing the impact of serum 25 (OH)D concentrations on prognostic factors and long-term survival in Brazilian women with breast cancer, which provides a direct glance evidence that vitamin D may be a leading host factor influencing breast cancer prognosis to our patients. [...] Other strengths of our data include no patients lost during follow-up and homogeneity of clinical features in the three groups categorized by 25 (OH)D. This is important considering that factors related to comorbidities and lifestyle are associated with both circulating 25 (OH)D and risk of breast cancer and could interfere with data analysis.

Example 7 - limitations of a study

This study has several limitations. First, other than time to eye-opening, we did not clinically evaluate the patients’ recovery of consciousness further. Although eye-opening can be one of the important indicators to evaluate the patient’s consciousness after surgery and BIS was additionally used in this study, subjective evaluations, including name speaking and handgrip, can allow additional evaluation of recovery of consciousness. Second, the time point for anesthetic switching to desflurane was not the same for all patients since it was difficult to accurately predict the exact surgery duration.

Example 8 - limitation of a study

Subgroup analysis can provide more specific information for diagnosis in special groups. In this study, we did not perform subgroup analysis because of limited initial information in selected studies. Respectively, discrimination between patients of different ages was not possible, for example, in patients under 40, the sensitivity of mammography to detect cancer is decreased [47].

4. Discussion sections considering the implications of a study

Example 9 - providing practical implications of the study’s results

The current research acknowledges that, when used in the right context, instructional technology may help students learn more effectively. The many components of adopting instructional technology may engage and play a fundamental part in assisting students in achieving better results by supporting innovative teaching and learning methodologies. This underlines the need of incorporating web-based learning into a variety of classroom settings. Studies conducted in the past corroborate these conclusions [28, 29].

Example 10 - verifying a research approach

The most exposed species assemblage located along the Anglet coast, especially illustrates this apparent resilience. Consequently, as demonstrated by Dutertre et al. [11] and in the present study, large-scale ecosystem-based approach (i.e. site to site comparisons) improves the understanding of the relationship between species distribution and environment, and provides a consistent baseline compatible with management concerns and the detection of spatial and temporal changes.

5. Discussion sections referring to future research

Example 11

Our finding shows that metabolic resistance is involved completely in the resistant population from Mohammedia and Skhirate and partly in the resistant population from Benslimane. Although these results help in the decision-making of the insecticide resistance management, complementary studies are needed to know which cytochrome P450 genes are responsible for the observed resistance. Thus, understanding what kind of insecticide and the precise P450 behind its metabolism is important to delineate the potential strengths and liabilities of insecticide compounds [27].

Example 12

Dogs play a major role as reservoirs for C. anthropophaga larvae, which are responsible for CCM. Lack of awareness of the etiological agents and control measures for this disease may contribute to the high prevalence of CCM myiasis cases in the study area. Canine cutaneous myiasis is a zoonotic disease and there is a need for further studies on the knowledge, attitude, and practices of the residents in the study area to human cutaneous myiasis.Example 3Since there are reports of asymptomatic carriage of L. monocytogenes [7, 26] and sheep and goat milk is used for preparing local cheese in most rural areas of Iran, the implementation of systematic monitoring in dairy herds is relevant to identify infected animals and prevent and control the presence of L. monocytogenes. Other studies should also be conducted to determine circulating variants and identify resistant strains, and even the inclusion of innovative alternatives for the treatment of milk from positive animals such as the use of lactose oxidase which was recently reported by Flynnet et al. [30] should be performed.


Example 1: Benedito Souza Almeida-Filho, Michelle Sako Omodei, Daniel A. B. Buttros, Eduardo Carvalho-Pessoa, Carla Priscila Carvalho-Pessoa, Heloisa De Luca Vespoli, Eliana Aguiar Petri Nahas, "Negative Impact of Vitamin D Deficiency at Diagnosis on Breast Cancer Survival: A Prospective Cohort Study", The Breast Journal, vol. 2022, Article ID 4625233, 9 pages, 2022.

Example 2: Zahra Rezanejad Gatabi, Mehri Mirhoseini, Nasrin Khajeali, Iman Rezanezhad Gatabi, Maedeh Dabbaghianamiri, Sara Dorri, "The Accuracy of Electrical Impedance Tomography for Breast Cancer Detection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis", The Breast Journal, vol. 2022, Article ID 8565490, 9 pages, 2022.

Example 3: Ji Wook Kim, Jeong Yup Lee, Si Won Hwang, Dong-Hee Kang, Sie Jeong Ryu, Doo Sik Kim, Ju Deok Kim, "The Effects of Switching from Sevoflurane to Short-Term Desflurane prior to the End of General Anesthesia on Patient Emergence and Recovery: A Randomized Controlled Trial", BioMed Research International, vol. 2022, Article ID 1812728, 9 pages, 2022.

Example 4: Abdurahman Ahmed Endris, Mohammed Hussen Seid, Khaled Ahmed Abdel-Al Ibrahim, "Teaching Effectiveness of Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching and Integrated Curriculum Graduate Teachers: Investigating Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions", Education Research International, vol. 2022, Article ID 1599038, 6 pages, 2022.****

Example 5: Dimitri W. Wangrawa, Jackline Kosgei, Maxwell Machani, James Opala, Silas Agumba, Felix Yaméogo, Dov Borovsky, Eric Ochomo, "Larvicidal Activities and Synergistic Effects of Essential Oils against Anopheles funestus and Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae) from Kisumu, Kenya", Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, vol. 2022, Article ID 8302696, 13 pages, 2022.

Example 6: Benedito Souza Almeida-Filho, Michelle Sako Omodei, Daniel A. B. Buttros, Eduardo Carvalho-Pessoa, Carla Priscila Carvalho-Pessoa, Heloisa De Luca Vespoli, Eliana Aguiar Petri Nahas, "Negative Impact of Vitamin D Deficiency at Diagnosis on Breast Cancer Survival: A Prospective Cohort Study", The Breast Journal, vol. 2022, Article ID 4625233, 9 pages, 2022.

Example 7: Ji Wook Kim, Jeong Yup Lee, Si Won Hwang, Dong-Hee Kang, Sie Jeong Ryu, Doo Sik Kim, Ju Deok Kim, "The Effects of Switching from Sevoflurane to Short-Term Desflurane prior to the End of General Anesthesia on Patient Emergence and Recovery: A Randomized Controlled Trial", BioMed Research International, vol. 2022, Article ID 1812728, 9 pages, 2022.

Example 8: Zahra Rezanejad Gatabi, Mehri Mirhoseini, Nasrin Khajeali, Iman Rezanezhad Gatabi, Maedeh Dabbaghianamiri, Sara Dorri, "The Accuracy of Electrical Impedance Tomography for Breast Cancer Detection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis", The Breast Journal, vol. 2022, Article ID 8565490, 9 pages, 2022.

Example 9: Asma Abdulrahman Nami Alshaikh, "The Reality of Using Virtual Labs in Teaching Advanced Biology Curricula in Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) among Female Teachers at Secondary Level in Al-Kharj", Education Research International, vol. 2022, Article ID 8605202, 12 pages, 2022.

Example 10: Clémence Foulquier, Julien Baills, Alison Arraud, Frank D’Amico, Hugues Blanchet, Didier Rihouey, Noëlle Bru, "Hydrodynamic Conditions Effects on Soft-Bottom Subtidal Nearshore Benthic Community Structure and Distribution", Journal of Marine Sciences, vol. 2020, Article ID 4674580, 16 pages, 2020.

Example 11: Souhail Aboulfadl, Fouad Mellouki, Btissam Ameur, Chafika Faraj, "Insecticide Resistance in the Disease Vector Culex pipiens in Morocco: Intensity, Mechanisms, and Contribution in Insecticide Resistance Management", Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, vol. 2022, Article ID 5576317, 7 pages, 2022.

Example 12: Kamuti N. Mutinda, Mbuthia P. Gichohi, Waruiru R. Maina, Githigia S. Maina, Keya E. Agosa, "Prevalence, Etiology, and Risk Factors Associated with Occurrence of Canine Cutaneous Myiasis in Kitui County, Kenya", Veterinary Medicine International, vol. 2022, Article ID 5699060, 9 pages, 2022.

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